This information relates to the main Suffolk tree - descendants of John & Mirabel Pask née Sparrow, born c1680 who lived in Wickhambrook, Suffolk.
The latest version of Suffolk Volume I is now available from the Lulu website. There is many additional pages and photographs. This has increased the cost to £9.50, plus postage. There is still time to order for Christmas.
Many thanks to those who have contributed to the update:
- Melanie Carter, who provided photographs taken at the Pask Family Gathering, and additional information on the descendants of Thomas & Hephzibah Maria Pask née Tyte.
- Michael Charles Pask, for his images of the bible belonging to Philip & Rosetta Pask née Keen listing the births, marriages, deaths, and grandchildren.
- Sandra Ann Pask, who provided additional information on the descendants of Leslie Roland & Patricia Joyce Pask née Whitbread.
- John Anthony Pask, who provided several photographs of the descendants of Thomas & Sophia Pask née Willis.
- Julia Coleman née Pask for her photograph and detailed information on the family of Reginald Stanley & Brenda Pask née Buxton.
Details of all Pask Publications are available on the website.
If you would like to purchase this revised Volume I, and do not feel happy about ordering it through the internet, contact us and will purchase it on your behalf.