Sunday, July 29, 2012

Family Reunion - Sunday 29 July 2012

This information relates to the main Lincolnshire tree - descendants of Johannis [John] and Elizabeth Pask née Archer, who lived in Lincolnshire.

Shirley Amos from America wrote to say that their Family Reunion takes place today. Shirley's ancestors were Henry & Mary Pask née Marshall, as detailed in the blog dated March 22, 2012.

We hope that Shirley's 93 year old aunt Ernestine had a safe journey from Indiana. She hasn't missed the Reunion in years!

Earlier this month, it was confirmed that this family is related to Stuart. Henry Pask was Stuart's fourth cousin 4 times removed. DNA testing was carried out by one of Shirley's cousins, and matched Stuart's DNA. The results can be seen on the Pask DNA Project webpage. Stuart's DNA (105246) matches 34 out of 37 markers, with the test 240485. More information is detailed in the blog DNA Results for Chart 01 - Lincolnshire.

We wish them all a good day, and look forward to receiving the pictures to add to the web album The Family of Henry and Mary Pask née Marshall. Hopefully, in the not too distant future, we could attend their annual Family Reunion.