In March, our very good friend Jan Cooper, who researches the Greathead One-Name Study, kindly transcribed the GRO indexes from 1902 to 1983 from the images downloaded from
The current status of these records are:
Births: Transcribed, Verified, Corrected, Now Available.
Births in Civil Registration from 1837 to 1911 is searchable online at the GOONS Archive.
Marriages: Transcribed, Verified, In Correction Process
Marriages in Civil Registration from 1837 to 1919 is currently searchable online at the GOONS Archive. When corrections are completed, the archive will be extended to 1940.
Deaths: Transcribed, In process of being verified.
Deaths in Civil Registration from 1837 to 1910 is currently searchable online at the GOONS Archive. When verficication process, and corrections are complete, the archive will be extended to 1982.
Now these indexes are computerised it will make a tremendous difference. In the past when inquiries for this period were received it is very time consuming to view each image for the relevant years and quarters.
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
GRO Indexes 1920-1983
Posted by
Teresa & Stuart Pask
7:33 AM